Title: Overview of regulatory control for radioactive sources and nuclear materials for peaceful applications of nuclear technology
Authors: A.S. Mollah
Addresses: Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control Division, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Box 158, Ramna, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Abstract: With an increase in the use of nuclear energy, radiation and radioactive substances, it is essential to invigorate, reinforce and enhance the effectiveness of the elements of national radiation protection and safety infrastructure. This also includes the addition of feasible and affordable ways and means to the national safety infrastructure with subsequent strengthening in the future. In order to control radiation risks associated with such usage, i.e., normal exposures and potential exposures, it is essential that activities involving radiation exposures, such as production of and use of radiation sources and radioactive materials, and the operation of nuclear installations, including the management of radioactive waste, be subjected to established radiation safety measures in order to protect individuals exposed to radiation. The organisation of the basic radiation protection infrastructure is very important for every country. Brief, general information on regulatory control of radioactive/radiation sources and nuclear materials will be presented. Important elements of the nuclear regulatory authority infrastructure are described in the report, particularly those that explain the licensing system, the enforcement programme, the basic radiological safety and security requirements, effectiveness of regulatory authority, performance indicators for the nuclear regulatory authority and the key actions considered for the appropriate control of radioactive sources and nuclear materials.
Keywords: Bangladesh; nuclear technology; regulatory control; radioactive sources; peaceful applications; nuclear technology; nuclear regulations; nuclear energy; nuclear power; nuclear radiation; radiation protection; nuclear safety; safety infrastructure; radioactive waste management; nuclear law.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNUCL.2009.030329
International Journal of Nuclear Law, 2009 Vol.2 No.3, pp.175 - 191
Published online: 14 Dec 2009 *
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