Title: Control under scarcity of the growth of wealth of nations: with examples from Austria and the USA
Authors: Ethelbert Nwakuche Chukwu
Addresses: Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 37695-82505, USA
Abstract: The author postulates formulae for aggregate demand and its components z = C + I + X + G - consumption, C, investment, I, net export, X and government outlay, G and aggregate supply, S. By MATLAB and regression, z is confronted with data from Austria and the USA to deduce the right dynamics, a differential game of pursuit which is equivalent to a control system with control constraints. Conditions for controllability are given and their policy implications explored.
Keywords: optimal control; controllability; function space controllable; economic variables; regression; delay differential equations; stability.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2002 Vol.23 No.7/8, pp.675-690
Published online: 10 Jul 2003 *
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