Title: The role of perceived risk on Greek internet users' purchasing intention: an extended TAM approach
Authors: Dimitrios I. Maditinos, Lazaros Sarigiannidis, Efstathios Dimitriadis
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Kavala Institute of Technology, School of Business and Economics, Agios Loukas 65404, Kavala, Greece. ' Department of Production and Management Engineering, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Library Building, Kimmeria, 67100 Xanthi, Greece. ' Department of Business Administration, Kavala Institute of Technology, School of Business and Economics, Agios Loukas 65404, Kavala, Greece
Abstract: This study develops and validates an extended model, to predict and explain consumers| intentions to transact with an internet-based Business-to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce system, based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In the augmented TAM of this study, additionally to ease of use and usefulness, perceived risk is also proposed to be a direct antecedent of intention to transact. The model was validated using data collected from 195 internet users and analysed using multiple regressions. The results provided substantial support for most of the proposed hypotheses and showed the significance of the extended constructs.
Keywords: consumer intentions; purchasing intentions; e-commerce; TAM; technology acceptance model; perceived risk; electronic commerce; Greece; internet use; business-to-consumer; B2C.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTGM.2010.030411
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 2010 Vol.3 No.1, pp.99 - 114
Published online: 15 Dec 2009 *
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