Title: Creating a Master's Degree in systems integration: capturing and embedding industry knowledge
Authors: Alistair Campbell, David Cropley
Addresses: Defence and Systems Institute, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus, SA 5095, Australia. ' Defence and Systems Institute, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus, SA 5095, Australia
Abstract: Australia has a skills shortage in the defence industry. Growing demand for complex defence systems highlighted the need for additional systems engineers and systems integration specialists. This is compounded by sustained growth in Australia|s resources sector, and competition for engineering professionals. The Skilling Australia|s Defence Industry (SADI) initiative provides significant funding for new skills activities. This paper describes one such activity; the creation of a Masters degree in Military Systems Integration (MSI). Designing and implementing the program required some novel educational approaches, to capture the value of industry experience, and integrate critical but elusive aspects that require tacit knowledge transfer.
Keywords: engineering education; tacit knowledge; systems engineering; industry knowledge; innovation; masters degree; knowledge management; Australia; skills shortage; defence industry; systems integration; military systems integration; knowledge transfer.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIDSS.2009.030581
International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems, 2009 Vol.2 No.3, pp.157 - 170
Published online: 24 Dec 2009 *
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