Title: An innovative model for constructing a teaching-learning performance indicator
Authors: Bijan Mashaw
Addresses: College of Business, California State University – East Bay, Hayward, CA 945423, USA
Abstract: In this research, a novel model has been developed to incorporate teaching and learning effectiveness factors and construct a Teaching-Learning Performance Indicator (TPI). The basis for the TPI is a comprehensive teaching-learning paradigm derived from learning theories, motivational theories and experimental design that creates a mono-index to measure teaching effectiveness. Correlational scrutiny, factor and component analysis upon empirical data are used here to demonstrate the validity of the proposed TPI. It is also demonstrated that the proposed TPI is useful for rating and comparing courses or evaluating techniques and can guide the educator or administrator|s decisions regarding course improvements, instruction styles and alternative teaching methodologies. It is suggested that the proposed model be used as a standard or baseline for teaching-learning performance measurements.
Keywords: teaching-learning performance indicators; teaching effectiveness; innovation; teaching assessment; learning effectiveness; modelling; teaching models; standard; evaluation; motivation; experimental design; course improvements; instruction styles; alternative teaching methodologies.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2010 Vol.7 No.2, pp.151 - 170
Published online: 26 Dec 2009 *
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