Title: Evolving relations between the pharmaceutical industry and public sector research
Authors: Margaret R. Sheen
Addresses: ETRAC (Emerging Technologies Research and Assessment Centre), Strathclyde, Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1QE, UK
Abstract: The interface between the pharmaceutical industry and public sector research (PSR) is increasingly diverse, dynamic and complex. As the industry consolidates at the top end, it is also differentiating and fragmenting. A new layer of small focused-activity companies are emerging, many from PSR. This paper examines patterns of knowledge exchange between PSR and industry along the length of the innovation chain, and the management of intellectual property rights.
Keywords: technology transfer; innovation; drug discovery; drug development; drug delivery; drug formulation; clinical trials; pharmacovigilance; intellectual property rights; contract research; collaborative research; industry structure; technical services.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2003 Vol.25 No.3/4, pp.268-283
Published online: 11 Jul 2003 *
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