Title: Optimised information system reliability techniques for knowledge society acceptance
Authors: Nikolaos G. Bardis, Athanasios Drigas, Nikolaos Doukas, Nikolaos V. Karadimas
Addresses: Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, Net Media Lab, N.C.S.R. Demokritos Terma Patriarchou Grigoriou & Neapoleos 27, Agia Paraskevi, 153 10, Athens, Greece; Department of Mathematics and Engineering Science, Hellenic Army Academy, University of Military Education, BST 902, Vari, Greece. ' Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, Net Media Lab, N.C.S.R. Demokritos Terma Patriarchou Grigoriou & Neapoleos 27, Agia Paraskevi, 153 10, Athens, Greece. ' Department of Mathematics and Engineering Science, Hellenic Army Academy, University of Military Education, BST 902, Vari, Greece. ' Department of Mathematics and Engineering Science, Hellenic Army Academy, University of Military Education, BST 902, Vari, Greece
Abstract: Two important obstacles averting the widespread adoption of knowledge society and e-government technologies in communities are distrust in their reliability and fear of the costs to be incurred. In order to overcome these obstacles, algorithmic advances are required that improve reliability of information systems without increasing their cost. In this paper a new approach to increase the reliability and effectiveness of transient error detection using checksum calculations is proposed, that is based on the optimisation of coding with special differential Boolean transformations. Two methods for obtaining such transformations are developed and examples of coding for checksum functions are given. The new methods are equivalent in terms of computational cost as classical checksum approaches.
Keywords: checksum; error detection; error control; differential Boolean transformations; data integrity; fault tolerances; knowledge society; e-government; electronic government; algorithms; information systems; computational costs.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2009 Vol.5 No.3/4, pp.207 - 221
Published online: 25 Jan 2010 *
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