Title: Document logistics in the public sector: integrative handling of physical and digital documents
Authors: Lars Eiermann, Stefan Walter
Addresses: Supply Chain Management Institute (SMI), European Business School (EBS), International University Schloss Reichartshausen, Wiesbaden/Rheingau, EBS Campus Wiesbaden, Soehnleinstrasse 8F, 65201 Wiesbaden, Germany. ' Supply Chain Management Institute (SMI), European Business School (EBS), International University Schloss Reichartshausen, Wiesbaden/Rheingau, EBS Campus Wiesbaden, Soehnleinstrasse 8F, 65201 Wiesbaden, Germany
Abstract: Documents and related information are the essential basis for communication in the public sector, irrespective of whether they are digital or paper based. Neither e-government nor electronic data processing performs the integrated handling of both types of documents. By contrast, document logistics, as a cross-sectional concept, covers the entire flow of documents, from the source to the recipient, regardless of whether they are digital or paper based. The aim of this paper is, first, to investigate the present state of document logistics in the public sector and, second, to identify current needs and potential trends for the near future by using a quantitative prestudy. Following this, a qualitative approach is chosen to further examine the findings of the prestudy and to gain greater insight by conducting a case study with the administration of the federal state of Bremen, Germany.
Keywords: document logistics; public sector; electronic government; e-government; communications technology; information technology; ICT; multi-method approach; case study; knowledge management; networking; Germany.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNVO.2010.031220
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 2010 Vol.7 No.2/3, pp.240 - 256
Published online: 26 Jan 2010 *
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