Title: GAMETH®: a constructivist and learning approach to identify and locate crucial knowledge
Authors: Michel Grundstein
Addresses: MG Conseil, 4 rue Anquetil, 94130 Nogent sur Marne, France; Paris Dauphine University, Lamsade CNRS, UMR7024, F-75016 Paris, France
Abstract: In the knowledge society, the enterprise increasingly develops its activities in a planetary space. The actors are confronted with new situations that increase their initiatives and responsibilities, whatever their roles and their hierarchical positions are. For their missions, through the enterprise|s information and knowledge system, beyond relevant information, they must have access to knowledge and individual and collective skills widely distributed in the planetary space of their organisation. In such context, the challenge is to well identify and locate |crucial knowledge| that is a set of knowledge, which is essential for the enterprise. This article presents GAMETH®, a constructivist and learning approach to identify and locate crucial knowledge. This approach fits with the |locating generic KM process| that constitutes one of the operating elements of the model for general knowledge management within the enterprise (MGKME).
Keywords: activity analysis; knowledge identification; GAMETH; knowledge management; generic KM; interpretative frameworks; enterprises; MGKME; constructivist; knowledge society; planetary spaces; initiative; responsibility; hierarchical positions; skills; crucial knowledge; information systems; learning.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2009 Vol.5 No.3/4, pp.289 - 305
Published online: 26 Jan 2010 *
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