Title: Korean firms' strategic choice and market performance in China and Russia
Authors: Hoon Park, Gil-Sung Kim
Addresses: Department of Finance, College of Business Administration, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-0991, USA. ' Department of International Commerce, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chonnam National University, Yosu, Jeonnam 550-749, Korea
Abstract: This study attempts to examine the impact of South Korean firms| market entry strategy on their financial market performance in China and Russia. On the basis of the previous researches, we tested seven (7) hypotheses for five (5) market-entry-related strategic variables (entry mode, entry timing, entry location, entry scale and entry purpose) and two (2) control variables (firm size and level of globalisation) that can influence the performance of South Korean firms (henceforth, Korean firms) in China and Russia. The results reveal that entry mode, entry timing, entry purpose, firm size and level of globalisation are crucial to ensure Korean firms| successful performances. In addition, we find that in the case of China, the moderating effect of entry scale was negatively significant on the relationship between entry mode and market performance.
Keywords: China; Russia; South Korea; market strategies; strategic choice; financial market performance; entry mode; entry timing; entry location; entry scale; entry purpose; firm size; globalisation; trade; global markets.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTGM.2010.031253
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 2010 Vol.3 No.2, pp.170 - 188
Published online: 27 Jan 2010 *
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