Title: Perspectives of energy efficient housing: Estonia and other European nations
Authors: Maret Merisaar
Addresses: Estonian Greens, Parliament of Estonia, Lossi plats 1A, Tallinn 15165, Estonia
Abstract: In this paper the possibilities for greening the economy in the area of housing are discussed and the role of different level political administration are described. Some concrete numerical data on raising the energy efficiency of buildings is originating from a recently published (www.been-online.net) international project BEEN – Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the building stock financed by the Interreg III B programme and carried out in seven countries around the Baltic Sea. The reasons for limited use of available funds for renovation are discussed. In spite of variety of technological innovations, the existing institutional system still needs changing. Comparison with experiences from other countries is used in the discussion.
Keywords: energy efficiency; apartment houses; renovation loans; available subsidies; institutional barriers; housing associations; social benefits; recession; Estonia; Europe; energy efficient housing; green economics; Baltic Energy Efficiency Network.
International Journal of Green Economics, 2009 Vol.3 No.3/4, pp.392 - 401
Published online: 31 Jan 2010 *
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