Title: Training in SMEs and its relationship to profitability
Authors: Nicholas O'Regan, Lorice Stainer, Martin Sims
Addresses: Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY, UK. ' University of Hertfordshire Business School, De Havilland Campus, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL10 9AB, UK. ' University of Hertfordshire Business School, De Havilland Campus, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL10 9AB, UK
Abstract: The continuous development of employee potential is dependent on training at every level to acquire improved skills. While attention has been devoted to its contribution within organisations, there is a dearth of research on its effectiveness within the SME sector. The impact of training on performance and profitability in manufacturing SMEs is investigated. Three training groups are identified and examined in relation to the emphasis placed: employee input on decision making, influence on working practices and creativity on performance objectives. Those who utilise HR professionals seem to perform better than those who invest in training without HR input.
Keywords: employee training; performance objectives; manufacturing industry; SMEs; small and medium-sized enterprises; decision making; employee creativity; working practices; profitability; employee potential; improved skills; employee involvement; worker participation; human resource professionals; investment; human resource development; HRD; human resource management; HRM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHRDM.2010.031442
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2010 Vol.10 No.2, pp.166 - 181
Published online: 03 Feb 2010 *
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