Title: A product information and knowledge exchange framework: a multiple viewpoints approach
Authors: Yacine Ouzrout, Hichem Geryville, Abdelaziz Bouras, Nickolas S. Sapidis
Addresses: Universite de Lyon, Universite Lumiere Lyon 2, LIESP F-69621, France. ' Universite de Lyon, Universite Lumiere Lyon 2, LIESP F-69621, France; Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering, University of the Aegean, Syros GR-84100, Greece. ' Universite de Lyon, Universite Lumiere Lyon 2, LIESP F-69621, France. ' Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering, University of the Aegean, Syros GR-84100, Greece
Abstract: The design and development of complex products invariably involves many actors who have different points of view on the problem they are addressing, the product being developed and the process by which it is being developed. The actors| viewpoints (VPs) approach was designed to provide an organisational framework in which these different perspectives/points of views, and their relationships, could be explicitly gathered and formatted (by actor activity|s focus). The approach acknowledges the inevitability of multiple interpretations of product information as different views and promotes gathering of actors| interests. It also helps in providing support for the information integration through the lifecycle of the products and for the collaboration between the supply chain actors. In this paper, we present the multiple VPs approach, and we illustrate it by an industrial example on cyclone vessel products.
Keywords: actor viewpoints; information exchange; product information; process information; PLM; product lifecycle management; knowledge exchange; product design; information integration; supply chain collaboration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPLM.2009.031676
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 2009 Vol.4 No.1/2/3, pp.270 - 289
Published online: 17 Feb 2010 *
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