Title: Using Kansei Engineering with new JIT to accomplish cost advantage
Authors: Jay Rajasekera, Shantanu Dayal
Addresses: Graduate School of International Management, International University of Japan, Minamiuonuma City, Niigata 949-7277, Japan. ' Corporate Technology and Engineering, Britannia Industries Limited, 194, MTH Road, Padi, Chennai 600 050, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract: With a shift from |product-out| to |market-in| approach, the demands of today|s consumer for high-quality goods and service have forced producers and service providers to apply quality-management practice throughout industry. The purpose of this paper is to explore how a company would maintain a competitive edge in a market by taking into account psychological and emotional needs of the consumers called |Kansei| in Japanese. We explore how Kansei Engineering (KE) can be used along with New Just-In-Time (JIT), pioneered by Toyota, to gain a manufacturing cost advantage. The effects of our approach are demonstrated through a simulated experiment.
Keywords: Kansei engineering; just in time; new JIT; Toyota marketing manufacturing system; Toyota production system; TPS; Toyota development system; information technology; manufacturing costs; simulation.
International Journal of Biometrics, 2010 Vol.2 No.2, pp.163 - 172
Published online: 24 Feb 2010 *
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