Title: An outdoor UWB tracking system to improve safety of semi-autonomous vehicle operations
Authors: Paul Richardson, Weidong Xiang, Dan Shan
Addresses: Wireless Communications and Control Laboratory, ECE Dept., University of Michigan-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, MI, USA. ' Wireless Communications and Control Laboratory, ECE Dept., University of Michigan-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, MI, USA. ' Wireless Communications and Control Laboratory, ECE Dept., University of Michigan-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, MI, USA
Abstract: UWB positioning systems show promise in improving navigational capabilities and safety of operations for semi-autonomous systems that are emerging in applications such as construction and agricultural vehicles. This paper describes an outdoor UWB positioning system used to measure the position of tracks in a semi-autonomous truck convoy. The system improves safety by providing position the vehicles control system with accurate position measurements. A measurement campaign was conducted to collect experimental range errors in open, forested and urban channels at distances ranging from 2 m to 40 m. The range errors are characterised and a model for range errors is proposed. Position errors using the proposed model are compared to the experimental data. Performance analysis regarding accuracy and position update delay is presented.
Keywords: ultra wideband; UWB tracking; UWB positioning systems; experimental analysis; outdoor UWB; vehicle safety; semi-autonomous vehicles; agricultural vehicles; construction vehicles; truck convoys; semi-autonomous trucks.
DOI: 10.1504/IJUWBCS.2010.031819
International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, 2010 Vol.1 No.3, pp.209 - 221
Published online: 24 Feb 2010 *
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