Title: Conjoint-HoQ: evolving a methodology to map market needs to product profiles
Authors: Andrew Olewnik, Vijay Ganesh Hariharan
Addresses: New York State Center for Engineering Design, and Industrial Innovation (NYSCEDII), University at Buffalo – SUNY, Buffalo, New York 14260, USA. ' Department of Marketing School of Management, University at Buffalo – SUNY, Buffalo, New York 14260, USA
Abstract: This paper presents a methodology, Conjoint-HoQ (House of Quality (HoQ)) which is meant to provide an alternative approach to the traditional HoQ tool. Specifically, the proposed method derives relationship scales – replacing the designer-determined scales in the traditional approach – through integration of conjoint analysis into the HoQ framework. The steps of the Conjoint-HoQ method are presented in detail with an accompanying hypothetical example: the design of a hair dryer. Additionally, the internal validation of the method is demonstrated and a discussion regarding external validation is included. A number of research issues critical to implementation in industry are also identified and discussed. The resulting methodology is representative of the evolution of design tools required to improve the validity of design decisions and sets a foundation for supporting the emerging paradigm of mass customisation.
Keywords: quality function deployment; QFD; house of quality; conjoint analysis; conjoint-HoQ; customer-driven design; mass customisation; decision-based design; relationship scales; designer-determined scales; hair dryers; design tools; decision making; integration; new product development; NPD.
International Journal of Product Development, 2010 Vol.10 No.4, pp.338 - 368
Received: 12 May 2008
Accepted: 07 Apr 2009
Published online: 03 Mar 2010 *