Title: Improving the life cycle of forging dies with active brazed ceramic inserts
Authors: Fr.-W. Bach, E. Doege, I. Kutlu, A. Huskic
Addresses: University of Hanover, Germany. University of Hanover, Germany. University of Hanover, Germany. University of Hanover, Germany
Abstract: The use of embedded ceramic inserts in forging tools has lately been investigated and successfully tested with model forging dies. However, there is a danger of the mechanical widening of the steel tool as a major problem of forging dies with embedded ceramic inserts. Furthermore, only rotation symmetric ceramic inserts can be embedded, which allows only a small variety in the construction of tools. A considerably larger number of designs are possible for active metal brazing of ceramic inserts in the die|s body material. For achieving this, active brazed ceramic–metal compounds were developed and tested for their practical use in the forging process.
Keywords: active metal brazing; ceramic inserts; forging dies; wear reduction.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2003.003228
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2003 Vol.19 No.5, pp.351 - 361
Published online: 19 Aug 2003 *
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