Title: Flexible approach to satisfaction index: an Indian case study of health drink sector
Authors: Sadia Samar Ali, Faizan Ahmad
Addresses: Institute of Management Studies, Lal Quan, G.T. Road, Ghaziabad 201009, Uttar Pradesh, India. ' Institute of Management Studies, Lal Quan, G.T. Road, Ghaziabad 201009, Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract: Globalisation and profit making led companies to adopt measures for satisfaction of their retailers and customers. Strategic decisions of a company for retailer|s and customer satisfaction are considered to be multidimensional, interdisciplinary, complex and unstructured regarding time, quantity and quality. In this paper, a multiple decision making criteria has been proposed, based on American Customer Satisfaction Index and being named as Flexible Approach to Retailer|s Satisfaction Index. The designed model requires quantitative and qualitative evaluation based on information such as anticipated and perceived service quality. This tool helps marketing planners in evaluating satisfaction. Here, the case of Glaxo SmithKline, India has been considered. Preliminary study was conducted for 96 retailers in Western Uttar Pradesh of India for checking the overall satisfaction of retailers and its impact on the market. The analysis suggests an acceptable and generic model that can be used by managers and researchers to evaluate satisfaction level. This paper concludes with a bright outlook for future.
Keywords: quantitative tools; qualitative research; flexible approaches; health drinks; factor analysis; ACSI model; American Customer Satisfaction Index; retailer satisfaction index; SPSS 16.0; Amos structural equation modelling; globalisation; profitability; retailing; multiple decision making; multidimensional decisions; interdisciplinary decisions; complex decisions; unstructured decisions; anticipated service quality; perceived service quality; marketing; Glaxo SmithKline; India.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2010.032388
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2010 Vol.3 No.3, pp.260 - 284
Published online: 02 Apr 2010 *
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