Title: Two-phase simulation optimisation algorithm with applications to multi-echelon cyclic planning
Authors: Galina Merkuryeva, Liana Napalkova
Addresses: Department of Modelling and Simulation, Riga Technical University, LV-1658, Riga, Latvia. ' Department of Modelling and Simulation, Riga Technical University, LV-1658, Riga, Latvia
Abstract: This paper describes a two-phase simulation optimisation algorithm that integrates the genetic algorithm and response surface-based linear search algorithm for developing an optimal cyclic plan in a multi-echelon environment during the maturity phase of the life cycle of a product. The problem involves a search in a high-dimensional space with different ranges for decision variable scales, multiple objective functions and problem-specific constraints. The paper provides an illustrative example of the two-phase simulation optimisation algorithm applied to a generic supply chain network.
Keywords: multi-echelon cyclic planning; GAs; genetic algorithms; response surface-based linear search; simulation optimisation; response surface methodology; RSM; product maturity; supply chain networks; supply chain management; SCM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2010.032654
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 2010 Vol.6 No.1, pp.7 - 18
Received: 20 Oct 2008
Accepted: 05 Jan 2009
Published online: 11 Apr 2010 *