Title: Systemic problems in technology transfer in emerging markets
Authors: Suck-Chul Yoon
Addresses: School of Business, Hanyang University, Haeng Dang Dong 17, Seong Dong Ku, Seoul 133-791, Korea.
Abstract: This study analyses a case of a Korean company that imported the manufacturing technology of diesel engines from West Germany back in the 1970s when Korea was in a state of an emerging market. The first objective of this study is to identify the systemic nature of the problems that arose in the course of the transfer of technology from an advanced country to an emerging market. The second objective of this study is to explore the technology policies that the Korean government adopted to help Korean business firms solve the systemic problems.
Keywords: technology transfer; emerging markets; manufacturing technology; diesel engines; technical feasibility; economic feasibility; systemic problems; government policy; West Germany; South Korea; technology policy.
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 2009 Vol.4 No.4, pp.341 - 349
Published online: 18 Apr 2010 *
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