Title: Female education inequality in Turkey: factors affecting girls' schooling decisions

Authors: Anil Duman

Addresses: Central European University, Nador u.9, 1051, Budapest, Hungary

Abstract: Education remains to be an important determinant of economic and social opportunities for individuals. However, within group inequalities for educational elements are not studied broadly. This paper seeks to inspect the reasons of higher inequality among females in terms of schooling distribution in Turkey. Our results suggest that occupation of the household head, size and the composition of the family, and education of the parents have a significant impact on the schooling decision for girls. The paper contributes to the literature in a twofold manner. First, it provides empirical evidence of schooling distribution in Turkey. Second, it investigates the factors that disproportionately affect schooling decisions for girls.

Keywords: inequality; gender; Turkey; female students; girls; schooling decisions; schools; determinants; economic opportunities; social opportunities; group inequalities; parental occupations; household heads; family size; family composition; parental education; parents; schooling distribution; education economics; educational development.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2010.032877

International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 2010 Vol.1 No.3, pp.243 - 258

Published online: 29 Apr 2010 *

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