Title: Indian banking: changing landscape in a globalised era
Authors: Milind Sathye
Addresses: Faculty of Business and Government, University of Canberra, ACT 2617, Australia
Abstract: From private sector to public sector and now slowly back to the private sector – Indian banking landscape has seen major changes in a period of 61 years of its independence. This journey of Indian banking would be educative from several perspectives. How did the transfer journey of Indian banking would be educative from several perspectives. How did the transfer of ownership affect the bank performance, regulatory policy, client needs and the financial system and the economy in general are some of the issues discussed in this paper. This paper highlights the major problems that Indian banking has to overcome to keep pace with the demands of the economy that is growing more than 8% annually in recent years and also traces the opportunities that the sector provides for foreign banks and other financial services firms.
Keywords: bank privatisation; Indian banking; performance efficiency; India; globalisation; transfer of ownership; regulatory policy; client needs; financial systems.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2010 Vol.4 No.4, pp.399 - 412
Published online: 05 May 2010 *
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