Title: A CAD system based on haptic modelling for conceptual design
Authors: Monica Bordegoni, Umberto Cugini
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Via La Masa, 1 I-20156, Milano, Italy. ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Via La Masa, 1 I-20156, Milano, Italy
Abstract: The paper presents the results of a research project aiming to develop an innovative framework for the conceptual design of products based on haptic technology. The system consists of a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) system enhanced with intuitive designer-oriented interaction tools and modalities. The system integrates innovative haptic tools with 6 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) for modelling digital shapes, with sweep operators applied to class-A surfaces and force computation models based on chip formation models. The system aims to exploit designers| skills in modelling products, improving the products| design process by reducing the necessity to build several physical models for the evaluation and testing of product designs. The system requirements have been defined after observing designers during their daily work and translating the way they model shapes using their hands and craft tools into specifications for the system. The system has been tested by designers, who have found it intuitive and effective to use.
Keywords: haptic modelling; conceptual design; product design; virtual prototyping; product development; haptics; CAD; computer-aided design; digital shapes; force computation; chip formation; product modelling.
International Journal of Product Development, 2010 Vol.11 No.1/2, pp.25 - 46
Published online: 06 May 2010 *
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