Title: A viewpoint on small-scale gold mining in Ghana: a regulatory perspective on current practices, mercury use and the UNIDO and EU projects
Authors: Ibrahim Bawa
Addresses: Minerals Commission Ghana, PO M248, Accra, Ghana
Abstract: This paper opens the special issue by providing an overview of small-scale gold mining in Ghana. Furthermore, it highlights the sector|s mercury pollution problem, and describes two important interventions – projects funded by UN and EU – recently made to address the problem. Despite having considerable shortcomings, these projects have laid important groundwork for a comprehensive mercury pollution abatement strategy in Ghana. Various aspects of these projects are examined further in the special issue.
Keywords: mercury; Ghana; UNIDO; environment; environmental pollution; small-scale mining; gold mining; artisanal mining; regulation; EU; European Union.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2010 Vol.41 No.3/4, pp.195 - 201
Published online: 14 May 2010 *
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