Title: Evaluating task-technology fit and user performance for an electronic health record system
Authors: Omar F. El-Gayar, Amit V. Deokar, Matthew J. Wills
Addresses: College of Business and Information Systems, Dakota State University, 820 N. Washington Ave, Madison, SD 57042, USA. ' College of Business and Information Systems, Dakota State University, 820 N. Washington Ave, Madison, SD 57042, USA. ' College of Business and Information Systems, Dakota State University, 820 N. Washington Ave, Madison, SD 57042, USA
Abstract: Assessing user satisfaction, acceptance and performance impacts of information systems have long traditions in information systems research. With an increasing focus on broader international adoption and implementation of electronic health records, research examining performance impact resulting from system use will play an essential role in the successful design, implementation, and efficient use of these systems. In this study, we analyse user evaluations of an electronic health record system and assess the impact on self-reported, perceived individual performance using the task-technology fit theory. Overall, user evaluations for the eight dimensions of task-technology fit considered in this study are positive.
Keywords: task-technology fit; electronic health records; EHRs; user evaluation; performance impact; user satisfaction; user acceptance; e-health; electronic healthcare; healthcare technology; electronic medical records.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHTM.2010.033274
International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 2010 Vol.11 No.1/2, pp.50 - 65
Published online: 16 May 2010 *
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