Title: A conceptual framework for presenting and promoting human resource knowledge sharing in the supply chain as a social network
Authors: Abbas Afrazeh, Iman Zarinozv
Addresses: Industrial Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Hafez Ave. 424, Tehran 15914, Iran. ' Industrial Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Hafez Ave. 424, Tehran 15914, Iran
Abstract: In this paper we developed a framework, which brings effective factors in human resource (knowledge worker) productivity and Social Network Analysis (SNA) methods together to represent and promote Knowledge Sharing (KS) in the Supply Chain (SC). For that, at first, we discuss kinds of knowledge required in the supply chain and flow through it. Then, we explain Just in Time (JIT) knowledge sharing that means required knowledge must be provided for related person at proper time and place. After that, and because knowledge flow is based on personal relationships (social networks) and human interactions, we consider Human Resource Productivity Factors (HRPF) related to knowledge sharing and social network analysis to find barriers of effective knowledge sharing and suggest efficient solutions. Finally, the framework is applied to an auto part supply chain and acceptable result received.
Keywords: supply chain management; SCM; human resources; knowledge management; just-in-time; JIT knowledge sharing; SNA; social network analysis; HRPF; human resource productivity factors; auto parts; automotive components.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2010.033365
International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 2010 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.227 - 245
Published online: 01 Jun 2010 *
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