Title: A re-balanced scorecard: a strategic approach to enhance managerial performance in complex environments
Authors: Joseph H. Callaghan, Arline Savage, Steven Mintz
Addresses: School of Business Administration, Oakland University, Rochester MI 48309, USA. ' California Polytechnic State University, Orfalea College of Business, San Luis Obispo CA 93407, USA. ' California Polytechnic State University, Orfalea College of Business, San Luis Obispo CA 93407, USA
Abstract: This paper is a proposal to develop conceptual and practical frameworks for evolving corporations seeking to improve their managerial performance in complex environments with actionable strategies for dealing with social, environmental and corporate governance issues. These frameworks are coalesced by social contract theory that extends the traditional view of the firm as a nexus of contracts to a broader view of the firm as a nexus of social contracts. A re-balanced scorecard is proposed to induce and evaluate management performance that captures important dimensions and aspects of the frameworks established for firms strategically choosing to change their long term objectives to include those related to meeting their social contract obligations.
Keywords: balanced scorecard; corporate governance; legitimacy; management behaviour; management performance; social contracts; managerial performance; complex environments; evolving corporations; environmental issues; actionable strategies; nexus; re-balanced scorecards; performance evaluation; long term objectives; change management; business excellence.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2010.033428
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2010 Vol.3 No.3, pp.341 - 362
Published online: 02 Jun 2010 *
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