Title: User-generated content in the digital identification of organisms: the KeyToNature approach
Authors: Stefano Martellos, Edwin Van Spronsen, Dennis Seijts, Nuria Torrescasana Aloy, Peter Schalk, Pier Luigi Nimis
Addresses: Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Via L. Giorgeri 10, Trieste I-34100, Italy. ' ETI BioInformatics, Mauritskade 61, 1092 AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ' ETI BioInformatics, Mauritskade 61, 1092 AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ' ETI BioInformatics, Mauritskade 61, 1092 AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ' ETI BioInformatics, Mauritskade 61, 1092 AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ' Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Via L. Giorgeri 10, Trieste I-34100, Italy
Abstract: In biology, proper identification is fundamental to retrieve information linked to the name of an organism. Digital identification keys can be easier than the traditional paper-printed keys. However, like the latter, they often cannot be modified by users. A research group of the European Project KeyToNature has developed a new open source software, the KeyToNature Open Key Editor, which permits to easily add digital user-generated content to almost any digital dichotomous or polytomous key with the use of any common web browser. The most interesting features of the Key Editor are discussed together with some of the possible scenarios in which it can be used.
Keywords: biodiversity informatics; education; information retrieval; internet; Open Key Editor; digital identification; KeyToNature; user-generated content; organism identification; open source software.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIOME.2010.033550
International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education, 2010 Vol.3 No.3, pp.272 - 283
Published online: 04 Jun 2010 *
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