Title: Comparing and improving value chain-supply chain in the three most important wine regions of New Zealand
Authors: Ram N. Roy, Nick Cordery
Addresses: Faculty of Business and Computing, Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier 4112, New Zealand. ' Faculty of Business and Computing, Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier 4112, New Zealand
Abstract: This conceptual paper contrasts wine production in the three most important regions of New Zealand. Some of the key issues faced in one of these regions are then identified through published data, personal interviews, data analysis and discussion. The broad objective of this paper is to suggest some qualitative and quantitative solutions to mitigate the problems identified. The issues discussed are: should growers and wine producers go for a collective procurement approach to buy some of their prime inputs; should producers/exporters consider changes in wine packaging to reduce the supply chain cost and should there be more emphasis on exporting wine in bulk rather in bottles? The paper identifies potential packaging alternatives and suggests that a clustered procurement model and a scientific transport model can reduce the supply chain cost.
Keywords: clustering; logistics; operations cost; outsourcing; collective procurement; supply chain management; SCM; wineries; New Zealand; value chain; wine regions; wine production; wine packaging; bulk exports; supply chain costs.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVCM.2010.033617
International Journal of Value Chain Management, 2010 Vol.4 No.3, pp.288 - 303
Published online: 08 Jun 2010 *
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