Title: Book Review: Ten Commandments for the Environment: Pope Benedict XVI Speaks Out for Creation and Justice by Woodeene Koenig-Bricker
Authors: Thomas D. Watts
Addresses: P.O. Box 19129, Arlington, TX 76019-0129, USA
Abstract: Ten Commandments for the Environment: Pope Benedict XVI Speaks Out for Creation and Justice, by Woodeene Koenig-Bricker. Notre Dame, IN, Ave Maria Press, 2009. 153pp. ISBN: 10 1594712115; 13 9781594712111
Keywords: book review
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2010.033631
International Journal of Sustainable Society, 2010 Vol.2 No.2, pp.205 - 207
Published online: 08 Jun 2010 *
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