Title: R&D for development of new drugs for neglected diseases in India
Authors: Sudip Chaudhuri
Addresses: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata 700104, West Bengal, India
Abstract: The world pharmaceutical industry dominated by multinational corporations has neglected research for drugs for diseases of poor countries. Introduction of stronger patent protection in India after World Trade Organization|s TRIPS agreement has failed to rectify this deficiency despite the substantial increase in R&D activity. In the light of the experience of the Indian private sector and the public-private partnerships initiated in India for the development of new drugs, the paper explores some policy options and suggests the expansion of public-private partnerships to include organisations from other innovative developing countries such as Brazil and China.
Keywords: neglected diseases; pharmaceutical industry; India; TRIPS; R&D; new drugs; drug development; research and development; patent protection; private sector; public-private partnerships; PPPs; developing countries.
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 2010 Vol.5 No.1/2, pp.61 - 75
Published online: 15 Jun 2010 *
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