Title: Intelligent media agents
Authors: Mila Nadrljanski, V. Batinica
Addresses: Faculty of Maritime Studies – Split, University of Split, Zrinsko Frankopanska 37, 21000 Split, Croatia. ' Faculty of Maritime Studies – Split, University of Split, Zrinsko Frankopanska 37, 21000 Split, Croatia; Brodospas, Obala Lazareta 2, 21000 Split, Croatia
Abstract: The quantity of information/data in the world is increasing exponentially. This is no longer the question of quantity, but how to find and deliver them, in order to make them useful to the user. Information is getting more difficult to locate, gather, filter, evaluate and integrate. This paper|s goal is to present the current state at the intelligent agents| research area, as well as to illustrate them with the examples. It is also based on the main assumption that the users of information databases do not require a vast amount of information. On the contrary, they need the data which correspond better to their requirements and interests. This paper presents the basic characteristics of interactive TV systems. It also describes the usage of personal interactive TV. Functionality of an interactive digital and personal electronic programme guide is described as the example of personalisation.
Keywords: intelligent agents; software agents; interactive TV systems; interactive television; multi-agent systems; MAS; agent-based systems; interactive digital programme guides; personal electronic programme guides; personalisation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIDSS.2010.033682
International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems, 2010 Vol.3 No.1/2, pp.128 - 138
Published online: 15 Jun 2010 *
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