Title: Quantitative models for service quality strategy implementation
Authors: Ying Su, Jie Peng, Zhanming Jin
Addresses: Information Quality Lab, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, No. 15 Fu Xing Road, Beijing 100038, China. ' Center for Resource Sharing Promotion, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, No. 15 Fu Xing Road, Beijing 100038, China ' Department of Business Strategy and Policy, Hai Dian, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract: In this paper, we briefly discuss the problems associated with implementing service quality strategy and propose three interrelated models which can be used to identify factors affecting performance and their relationships; structure them hierarchically and quantify the effect of the factors on performance: 1) business object models to describe the internal management elements; 2) coupling operation models to formalise the operation of relevant attributes among business object models; 3) system dynamic models (SDMs) representing the underlying process which leads to achievement of the strategic objective. Besides conceptual considerations, we base our arguments on a detailed case study from an auto financing company. Findings of this paper are that quantitative modelling can be helpful for service quality strategy implementation in a dynamic environment.
Keywords: service quality; strategy implementation; performance measurement systems; PMS; financial services industry; quality of service; QoS; quantitative models; case study; business processes; object-oriented modelling; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; system dynamics; automotive financing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSTM.2010.034326
International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2010 Vol.14 No.2/3, pp.163 - 187
Published online: 01 Aug 2010 *
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