Title: The Taiwanese system of innovation in the information industry
Authors: Shih-Chang Hung
Addresses: Institute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, Hsin Chu, 30043, Taiwan
Abstract: This paper shows the importance of national systems in the innovation process, based on the illustrative case study of Taiwan|s information technology (IT) industry. The study of this case demonstrates that: (1) strong firms, (2) industrial networks, (3) government industrial policy, (4) public R&D organisations, (5) education institutions, (6) financial institutions and (7) transnational corporations, all matter to technological diffusion success.
Keywords: national system of innovation; industry development; industrial networks; industrial policy; R&D organisation; institutions; technological diffusion success; information technology; technology management; Taiwan.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2003 Vol.26 No.7, pp.788 - 800
Published online: 09 Sep 2003 *
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