Title: Model and principles of stakeholders-oriented quality management based on radical (discontinuous) improvement – a modern re-interpretation of TQM and CWQC?
Authors: Djoko Setijono
Addresses: Division of Production Economics, Department of Engineering & Management, Linkoping University, S-58183, Sweden
Abstract: The existing quality management (TQM) model and principles, which have been laid on |continuous improvements| (Japanese Kaizen) foundation, seem to fall short in comparison with value innovation (a radical improvement approach). The next generation quality management (built on radical improvement) will likely be characterised by the following principles: management|s commitment and integrative view, focus on stakeholders, radical improvements, focus on creative market exploration and future-pull orientation, and focus on (supply) chain/network. The new quality management model adapts EFQM business excellence model and integrates value innovation in it to create stakeholder value. The model implies the need for strengthening the link between marketing and operations in order to properly manage the exogenous force (driven by market conditions and supply chain/network characteristics) and the endogenous force (driven by leadership, people, policy and strategy). Transformative quality management (TrQM) and creatively-capable web-structured quality constellation (CWQC) can be viewed as a modern re-interpretation of the existing quality management paradigm.
Keywords: radical improvement; value innovation; stakeholder value; transformative quality management; TrQM; creatively-capable web-structured quality constellation; CWQC; discontinuous improvement; quality improvement; total quality management; TQM; EFQM; business excellence model.
International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 2010 Vol.1 No.2, pp.167 - 183
Published online: 13 Aug 2010 *
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