Title: Knowledge and learning aspects of project portfolio management
Authors: Vladimir Stantchev, Marc Roman Franke
Addresses: SOA and Public Services Research Group, Berlin Institute of Technology, Franklinstr. 28/29, Berlin, 10587, Germany; FOM Fachhochschule fur Oekonomie and Management, Bismarckstr. 107, Berlin, 10625, Germany. ' BearingPoint Europe Holdings B.V., Kurfurstendamm 207-208, Berlin, 10719, Germany
Abstract: Knowledge-based enterprises are typically conducting a large number of research and development projects simultaneously. This is a particularly challenging task in complex and diverse project landscapes. Project portfolio management (PPM) can be a viable framework for knowledge and innovation management in such landscapes. A standardised process with defined functions such as project data repository, project assessment, selection, reporting and portfolio re-evaluation can serve as a starting point. In this work, we discuss the benefits that a multidimensional evaluation framework can provide for knowledge-based enterprises. Furthermore, we describe knowledge and learning strategy and process in the context of PPM and evaluate their practical applicability at different stages of the PPM process.
Keywords: knowledge-based enterprises; project portfolio management; PPM; project evaluation; knowledge strategy; learning strategy; R&D projects; research and development; knowledge management; innovation management; project data repository; project assessment; project selection; reporting; portfolio re-evaluation.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2010 Vol.6 No.2/3, pp.114 - 129
Published online: 21 Aug 2010 *
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