Title: Safety part design optimisation based on the finite elements method and a genetic algorithm
Authors: Eric Gildemyn, Philippe Dal Santo, Camille Robert, Alain Potiron, Delphine Saidane
Addresses: LAMPA – ERT 1055 ''ENDOFORM'' – Arts et Metiers ParisTech, 2 Boulevard du Ronceray BP 93525 49035 Angers, France. ' LAMPA – ERT 1055 ''ENDOFORM'' – Arts et Metiers ParisTech, 2 Boulevard du Ronceray BP 93525 49035 Angers, France. ' LAMPA – ERT 1055 ''ENDOFORM'' – Arts et Metiers ParisTech, 2 Boulevard du Ronceray BP 93525 49035 Angers, France. ' LAMPA – ERT 1055 ''ENDOFORM'' – Arts et Metiers ParisTech, 2 Boulevard du Ronceray BP 93525 49035 Angers, France. ' Deville S.A., Zone industrielle de Beauregard, 49150 Bauge, France
Abstract: This paper deals with a numerical approach for improving the mechanical properties of a safety belt anchor. The goal is to optimise the component shape and its manufacturing process by using a multi-objective genetic algorithm (NSGA-2). This kind of automotive component is typically manufactured in three stages: blanking, rounding of the edges by punching and finally bending (90°). The numerical model is linked to the genetic algorithm (GA) in order to optimise design, material and process parameters. This is implemented by using ABAQUS© and CATIA script files. The material behaviour is modelled using a specific Lemaitre material damage formulation implemented in ABAQUS©. A global optimisation is finally performed in order to improve the ultimate unbending load and the volume of the safety part. This work has two major areas of innovation: a) the improvement of the genetic algorithm NSGA-2; b) the development of an integrated numerical procedure including |computer aided design| and |mechanical finite element simulation| controlled by the genetic algorithm.
Keywords: safety components; knowledge integration; genetic algorithms; GAs; neural networks; parametric design; finite element method; FEM; high limit elastic steel; plasticity; material damage; bending; rounding; multi-objective optimisation; safety part design; design optimisation; safety belts; safety belt anchor.
International Journal of Design Engineering, 2010 Vol.3 No.2, pp.115 - 132
Published online: 25 Aug 2010 *
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