Title: Measuring performance of sale force: analysis of administrative and behavioural parameters
Authors: Rajagopal, Amritanshu Rajagopal
Addresses: Graduate School of Business and Administration (EGADE), Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, ITESM, Mexico City Campus, 222, Calle del Puente, Tlalpan, DF 14380, Mexico. ' ITESM, Mexico City Campus, 222, Calle del Puente, Tlalpan, 14380 DF, Mexico; Dentalia, Mexico
Abstract: This study has been conducted in Mexico with which discusses the impact of sales territory design and compensation to salespeople as predictors of performance of sales unit effectiveness. The factors affecting performance of sales force through balanced supervisory control, cognitive measures and coordination pattern of task performance in the team have been examined and managerial implications derived for optimising the performance of the sales force in this paper. The findings of the study show that the balance between the territory designing and incentive pays affect the overall performance of sales tasks performed by the field sales teams. Sales territory design also largely influences the level of performance both directly and indirectly through its relationship with the salespeople|s behavioural performance. Discussions in this paper also argue that the behaviour control is a consistent predictor of the salespeople|s performance and effectiveness of the sales units. This indicates the importance of proactive monitoring, directing and evaluating salespeople by the managers.
Keywords: compensation; organisational efficiency; outcome performance; sales force organisation; sales performance measurement; evaluation; sales territories; sales unit effectiveness; selling behaviour; task administration; territory management; administrative parameters; behavioural parameters; Mexico; supervisory control; cognitive measures; coordination; supervision; optimisation; incentives; pay; wages; salaries; sales territory design; performance levels; salespeople; behaviour control; proactive monitoring; managers; business research.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEBR.2010.035008
International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2010 Vol.2 No.5, pp.399 - 413
Published online: 01 Sep 2010 *
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