Title: Organisational evolution in Kuwait: a comparative study of the evolution of two Islamic finance companies
Authors: Bassam Almusallam, Rodrigo Magalhaes
Addresses: Investment Dar Company, P.O. Box 29417, Safat, Kuwait. ' Kuwait-Maastricht Business School, Kuwait Teachers Society Bld., Kazima Street, Dasma, P.O. Box 9678 Salmiya, 22097 Kuwait
Abstract: This paper discusses a study to examine whether a particular evolutionary model of organisational growth is applicable to a particular industry in a specific geography. Greiner|s evolution and revolution model is the framework being examined, and the rapidly growing Islamic finance industry in Kuwait provides the empirical data for the study. The conclusions suggest that Greiner|s model is only partially applicable to the Islamic finance industry in Kuwait. Greiner proposes that organisations go through distinct phases of evolution as they grow in age and size. However, this empirical research has not identified distinct phases of evolution at the present point of the case organisations| histories. Instead, the evolution of these organisations shows simultaneous evolutionary phases.
Keywords: Greiner|s model; Islamic finance; Kuwait; organisational evolution; organisational growth; Islamic banks; banking; financial services.
DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2010.035201
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2010 Vol.5 No.1, pp.77 - 99
Published online: 14 Sep 2010 *
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