Title: RELQUAL in Taiwanese business relationships
Authors: Tzong-Ru (Jiun-Shen) Lee, Goran Svensson, Tore Mysen
Addresses: Department of Marketing, National Chung-Hsing University, 250 Kuo Kuang Road, Taichung, Taiwan. ' Oslo School of Management, P.O. Box 1195, Sentrum, 0107 Oslo, Norway. ' Oslo School of Management, P.O. Box 1195, Sentrum, 0107 Oslo, Norway
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to test a measurement model of RELationship QUALity (RELQUAL) in Taiwanese business relationships. The sample consisted of leading executives in small and medium-sized companies (40-250 employees) in Taiwan. Principally, the respondents were general managers or division managers (e.g., within purchasing, logistics or production). The data, focusing on buyer-supplier relationships, was collected in 2008. A total of 168 questionnaires were returned, generating a response rate of 12%. The goodness-of-fit measures of the tested measurement model of RELQUAL were all found to be well within the recommended guidelines. The recommended guidelines for convergent, discriminant and nomological validity, as well as construct reliability, were also met. It is concluded that the measurement properties of the RELQUAL applied in Taiwanese business relationships indicate acceptable validity and reliability.
Keywords: relationship quality; RELQUAL; satisfaction; commitment; trust; opportunism; cooperation; coordination; continuity; formalisation; dependence; specific assets; Taiwan; business excellence; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; buyer-supplier relationships.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2010.035444
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2010 Vol.3 No.4, pp.433 - 451
Published online: 30 Sep 2010 *
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