Title: Fretting wear of coated magnesium and steel couples
Authors: A.H. Elkholy
Addresses: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Kuwait University, P. 0. Box 5969, Safat, 13060, Kuwait
Abstract: An experimental procedure is undertaken to establish the effect of design parameters upon the severity of fretting wear caused by steel (AMS 6265) rubbing on magnesium (AMS 4439), and to determine the ability of selected coatings to delay wear induced failure. The procedure consists of two major tasks as follows: The design, construction and operation of a suitable fretting wear machine, and an experimental set-up to systematically evaluate the relevant wear controlling parameters and surface treatment. Several wear tests were performed under different operating and surface conditions, and the results are presented in some detail. It was found that magnaplated coated magnesium samples offer the best wear resistance as compared to Xylan coated and plain samples. Slip amplitude was found to be the most dominant parameter that contributed mainly to fretting wear as compared to other wear parameters such as frequency of oscillation, test duration, and contact load.
Keywords: fretting wear; magnesium-steel couples; wear resistance; wear-induced failure; magnesium; steel; design parameters; coatings; surface treatment; wear resistance; slip amplitude; oscillation frequency; test duration; contact load.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.1996.036347
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 1996 Vol.11 No.5/6, pp.493 - 504
Published online: 02 Nov 2010 *
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