Title: Plasma generated oxide ceramic components
Authors: Stefan Schindler, Werner Schultze
Addresses: Ceramic Products Division, Vereinigte Aluminium-Werke AG, Georg-von-Boeselager-Str. 25, 5300 Bonn 1, Federal Republic of Germany. ' Ceramic Products Division, Vereinigte Aluminium-Werke AG, Georg-von-Boeselager-Str. 25,5300 Bonn 1, Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract: A technique using a liquid stabilised plasma gun is described for the manufacturing of rotation-symmetrical free-standing shapes with dimensions not attained so far. The components are generated by spraying pure ceramic powder onto a rotating metal mandrel. Surface pretreatment and temperature control of the mandrel during the process are important factors. Essential properties of the free-standing shapes will be presented as well as examples of applications.
Keywords: alumina based materials; ceramic crucibles; ceramic manufacturing; ceramic components; ceramic tiles; ceramic tubes; plasma spraying; ceramic oxide powders; water plasma oxide ceramics; dimensions; wall thickness; thermal technology; general engineering; metallurgy; liquid stabilised plasma technology; mechanical properties; thermal properties; zirconia; mixtures; free-standing shapes.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.1995.036473
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 1995 Vol.10 No.3/4/5/6, pp.498 - 509
Published online: 03 Nov 2010 *
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