Title: Towards a new conception of electropolishing of metals and alloys
Authors: Tadeusz Hryniewicz
Addresses: Mechanical Engineering Department, The Technical University, Raclawicka 15-17, PL 75-620 Koszalin, Poland
Abstract: Electropolishing of metals and numerous alloys may provide, smooth, bright, and reflective surfaces that exhibit superior corrosion resistance compared to untreated metals. These features are achieved mainly in electropolishing of pure metals and single-phase alloys. Past works have indicated that in comparison with different treatments (mechanical polishing, chemical etching), electropolishing produces much thinner surface layer of changed properties. That implies a difference in the surface chemistry which is valuable from the viewpoint of the technical usefulness of such surfaces. Experimental investigations carried out on various metals and alloys prove that both electrochemical and hydrodynamic conditions are responsible for the positive results to obtain in the process. The aim of the work is to reveal a new conception of electropolishing covering the phenomena of diffusion, adsorption, as well as the hydrodynamic conditions.
Keywords: electropolishing; microsmoothing; hydrodynamic conditions; diffusion; adsorption; impedance; polarization curve; steels; solution; surface-active agents; metal polishing; alloy polishing; corrosion resistance; surface chemistry.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.1993.036535
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 1993 Vol.8 No.2/3/4, pp.243 - 252
Published online: 04 Nov 2010 *
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