Title: Pressure instability and hysteresis effect in reactive sputtering of TiN
Authors: W. Precht, A. Czyzniewski, K Reszka
Addresses: Department of Materials Science, Technical University, 76-620 Koszalin, Raclawicka 15, Poland. ' Department of Materials Science, Technical University, 76-620 Koszalin, Raclawicka 15, Poland. ' Department of Materials Science, Technical University, 76-620 Koszalin, Raclawicka 15, Poland
Abstract: The paper presents investigation results on the effect of the pumping rate and the manner of nitrogen injection on the stability and hysteresis in TiN coatings processes. It was found that the critical value of the pumping rate depends on the manner in which the nitrogen is injected into the reaction chamber. The effect of hysteresis on the nitrogen partial pressure characteristic decays when the pumping rate of the reactive gas exceeds the critical rate. It was shown that a slight effect of hysteresis is likely to appear on the pressure-and-flow characteristic as result of the manner in which the experiment is carried out.
Keywords: reactive sputtering; magnetron; hysteresis effect; pressure instability; titanium nitride coatings; pumping rate; nitrogen injection.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.1993.036539
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 1993 Vol.8 No.2/3/4, pp.282 - 289
Published online: 04 Nov 2010 *
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