Title: Technical Note: Minimizing the release of heavy metals in water effluents from a non-ferrous metals smelting operation
Authors: L. Vanhecke
Addresses: Senior Advisor, Environmental Affairs, MHO, a division of Acec-Union Miniere, Belgium
Abstract: This Note discusses the processes and expansion of the waste-water treatment plant of the Belgian Hoboken smelter. Though using conventional processes the plant was designed from the beginning with the purpose of minimizing discharge of effluents; in other words to minimize water consumption by reusing the water as much as possible.
Keywords: wastewater treatment; effluent dicharge; smelting; Belgium; water consumption; water reuse; heavy metals; non-ferrous metals.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.1992.036569
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 1992 Vol.7 No.1, pp.119 - 123
Published online: 04 Nov 2010 *
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