Title: Factory automation of the plastic moulding shop
Authors: Kazyaju Toyoshima, Ryoichi Ohki, Kazuhiko Yamauchi, Haruyuki Kawase, Masayuki Nasuda
Addresses: Production Engineering Division, Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd, 432-91 Hamanatsu, Japan. ' Production Engineering Division, Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd, 432-91 Hamanatsu, Japan. ' Production Engineering Division, Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd, 432-91 Hamanatsu, Japan. ' Production Engineering Division, Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd, 432-91 Hamanatsu, Japan. ' Production Engineering Division, Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd, 432-91 Hamanatsu, Japan
Abstract: Recently, the percentage of plastic parts used in motor cars has been increasing,and they are required to be painted to the same high standard as the motor car bodies. Accordingly, the percentage of that painting requirement has been increasing. Reorganizing the processes of moulding and painting plastic parts into a flexible, efficient integrated system to improve the production rationality is therefore an urgent task. In Suzuki Motor Co., an existing plastic moulding shop was reorganized to allow a series of production processes such as moulding, palletizing, storage, painting and assembly to be automatically controlled via computers, thereby reducing the workers and floor space, improving productivity, and reducing the stocks as well.
Keywords: factory automation; injection moulding; painting; palletisation; automotive plastics; stock reduction; storage automation; plastic parts; Suzuki Motor Co; Japan; automobile industry; productivity; automated manufacturing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.1990.036625
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 1990 Vol.5 No.4, pp.376 - 386
Published online: 05 Nov 2010 *
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