Title: Introducing iterative model into quality management with focus on emerging markets
Authors: Jasna Tusek
Addresses: Department of eBusiness, University of Vienna, 1210 Vienna, Austria
Abstract: The main contribution of this paper is in introducing for the first time the iterative model to the quality management process of developing countries. The iterative model is a process decision and development model used predominantly within the software product development. This model effectively increases the success of the process development by provably decreasing costs and failure of the developing process and increasing learning and flexibility during the development. This paper introduces the iterative approach as a quality management tool and enquires the adaptation of the iterative model into the quality management process. We suggest integrating the iterative model into the quality management process and initiate this movement by providing an explanation of the framework on the iterative model adaptation in current paper.
Keywords: iterative processes; iterative models; quality management; quality measures; process development; emerging markets; process decisions; software development; cost reduction; failure; learning; flexibility; state-internal efficiency; economics; service industries; service quality management; developing nations; newly industrialised nations.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2011.037180
International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 2011 Vol.3 No.1, pp.92 - 103
Published online: 09 May 2015 *
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