Title: The use of qualitative evidence in e-services systems implementation
Authors: Kamaljeet Sandhu
Addresses: School of Business, Economics and Public Policy, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales 2351, Australia
Abstract: Transition from paper-based system to web-based e-service system requires understanding the end-user perception. Such understanding can enhance the systems development and implementation process. If there is a friction between the paper-based and web-based system the user may offer resistance to its acceptance. The case study derives the discussion on the basis of prevailing circumstances. The argument on user acceptance, systems development, and implementation process is embedded in the current case study.
Keywords: web-based systems; paper-based systems; world wide web; internet; electronic services; e-services; web services; system acceptance; user experiences; user expectations; motivation; usage frequency; qualitative evidence; systems implementation; end-user perceptions; systems development; friction; resistance; prevailing circumstances; innovation; learning.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2011 Vol.9 No.1, pp.63 - 81
Published online: 26 Nov 2014 *
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