Title: Design and development of a dynamometer for the simulation of the cutting forces in milling
Authors: Adel Amin Ammar, Mohamed Jallouli, Zoubeir Bouaziz
Addresses: Unit of Mechanics, Solids, Structures and Technological Development, Ecole Superieure des Sciences et Techniques de Tunis, B.P. 56. Bab Menara, Tunis 1008, Tunisia. ' Research Unit: Intelligent Control, Design and Optimisation of Complex System (ICOS), National School of Engineer of Sfax, BPW 3038 Sfax, Tunisia. ' Unit of Mechanics, Solids, Structures and Technological Development, Ecole Superieure des Sciences et Techniques de Tunis, B.P. 56. Bab Menara, Tunis 1008, Tunisia
Abstract: The cutting forces produced during the machining of metals exert a direct influence upon the machining stability, the tool wear and the quality of the machined surface. In this paper, a dynamometer of the cutting forces measurement in milling has been designed and constructed. The latter is based on the utilisation of two extended octagonal rings upon which are stuck strain gauges able to measure the forces in three directions. The signals of the forces have been captured and treated by means a data acquisition system which has also been conceived. The dynamometer has been submitted to a series of tests in order to determine its static and dynamic characteristics. The calibration of this dynamometer has been verified by the finite element method while using the simulation software COSMOS/M. The obtained results have proved that the dynamometer could be used reliably to measure the static and dynamic forces.
Keywords: dynamometer design; extended octagonal rings; strain gauges; data acquisition; milling; cutting forces; simulation; force measurement; finite element method; FEM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAAC.2011.037379
International Journal of Automation and Control, 2011 Vol.5 No.1, pp.44 - 60
Received: 12 Dec 2007
Accepted: 06 Feb 2008
Published online: 17 Apr 2015 *