Title: Stress level among the medical practitioners of public and private sector: a comparative insight
Authors: Shilpi Goyal, O.P. Goyal, Anu Singh Lather
Addresses: RIMT-IMCT, Mandi Gobindgarh 147301, Punjab, India. ' GGSIP University, Delhi 110006, India. ' GGSIP University, Delhi 110006, India
Abstract: The review of literature on occupational stress and its adverse consequences emphasises the importance of its assessment and management. The recognition of the harmful physical and psychological effects of stress, both on individuals and organisations has been widely studied. However, empirical research on the sources of stress among Indian doctors is scarce. Most research studies reported in leading journals have been done on doctors from countries other than India. Keeping in view the gaps in research, this paper aims to get an insight into the various stressors in the occupational life of the medical practitioners and to make a comparison of the stress levels in the public and private sector in India. A self-designed pre-tested questionnaire has been used for the purpose of the study. The study has been conducted on 200 medical practitioners from public as well as private sector hospitals in the state of Punjab in northern India.
Keywords: medical practitioners; public sector; hospitals; private sector; stressors; stress levels; health services; doctors; occupational stress; stress assessment; stress management; physical effects; psychological effects; Punjab; India; Indian culture; business management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2011.037422
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2011 Vol.4 No.1, pp.1 - 12
Published online: 31 Jan 2015 *
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